Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Five Months!

Loving your jolly jumper!
 Dear Claire Bear,
I can't believe you're 5 months old already! As I write this we are both in a turkey stupor, me from the giant turkey dinner I ate to celebrate Nans (my mom) birthday. You are just stupefied by association. For her birthday we made Nan a scrapbook page with your pictures and a hand and footprint. Only one of each because I had a hard enough time keeping you from getting the inky appendages in your mouth without doing both hands and feet. We all agreed that your hand and foot prints look much larger than your actual hands and feet.

So once again I fail at keeping an up to date blog for you. It's just that you are growing and learning things so quickly. I'm afraid if I turn away for one minute you'll be dressing all in black whilst spewing teenage angst all over the place. I'd rather take spit up, poop and drool being spewed everywhere right now. Speaking of drool. You're still the champion drooler (but no teeth yet!). In fact you've recently learned to blow raspberries and it is now you're most favorite thing to do - except, perhaps, for sucking on your toes. You can project drool an impressive distance!

 Here are some other noteworthy things :
  • You can now roll both ways which is great but also terrifying because next comes crawling and then walking and then teenage angst! 
  • You have found your toes! You love them and find they make the best teething toys. I'll bet that'll change the first time you try chewing on them when you have actual teeth.
  • Naps still suck (at least according to you, I would personally love more naps).
  • You are even more in love with the dog Bella. Just seeing her walk around makes you light up. If she's playing with her toys you will give big belly laughs. 
  • You've also started reaching for Bella which, lets be honest, grosses me out. I have never been the kind of person to let the pets sleep on the bed or get on the couch (or lick my face blegh!) but I've gotten so much pickier. I must sweep the house at least twice a day and I'm still finding random dog fur on your playmat and your toys. Yuck! I guess I should just try and tell myself I'm helping you build a strong immune system. I try to convince Bella not to let you grab at her but she's too much of an attention whore to listen to me. She'll regret it when you start pulling her fur out.
  • You have started eating solid food...and by solid I mean mush. so far you've had butternut squash, beans, peas, carrots, banana, avocado, and rice cereal. You are mad for all of it. You make growling grunting noises trying to get at the food. It is a messy affair but so much fun to watch you.
  • Your nan (my mom) bought you a stuffed doll that laughs and giggles when you push her belly. You love it! You try and give it big sloppy kisses and you chew on her face. Very cute. 
  • You have developed a phobia of birds. It started when we brought you to the pet store and the parrot scared the beejesus out of you. It has progressed to budgies, crows and blue-jays. I hope it doesn't include ducks because we have a play date set up with your cousin tomorrow to go feed the ducks at the botanical gardens. 
  • You throw mini tantrums. Drama queen. Please go ahead and get these out of your system before you hit the terrible twos (which are only around the corner, with this time warp thing we seem to have going on). 
  • You're about 15 pounds. I say about because you were throwing an above mentioned tantrum the last time the doctor was weighing you on those scale things. I think they need to re-invent the scales. There should be a nice comfy sling thing you can put a baby into and attach it to a hook weight (like one of those fish scale things).
Well that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure I'm leaving things out but I'll try and keep better track for the next post.

I can hear you waking up from your 'nap' - if 24 minutes can even be called a nap, so that's the end of this letter.

Love you,