Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Mushroom Head

Dear Claire Bear,
Today we took you for your appointment with the physiotherapy and occupational therapy people at the janeway for your flat head. Yes you have a flat head, we'll get into that later. (sidenote: why exactly do they need an occupational therapy section at a children's hospital?).

Lets back up a second. You hate tummy time. Period. We have tried all the 'tricks' to teach you that tummy time is fun but it just ain't happening. The best result we've gotten so far is three or four minutes of you lying there with your head to one side licking your hand, followed by a whine or two then unholy screaming if we don't pick you up quick enough. You can keep your head pretty steady when we sit you up but actually pushing yourself up? Not a chance.

So we took you to the place and the therapist lady (whom you wouldn't let even touch you) showed us some 'tricks' to get you to lift your head. I was skeptical but lo and behold you performed like a trained seal! You were lifting your head like a pro. This proves that you already hold other 'professional authorities' in higher regard than either of your parents. I will remember this when it comes time to teach you to eat your vegetables, clean your room and adopt good personal hygiene habits. I can see it now, we'll have to dress someone up like a cartoon character and have them explain the benefits of vegetables using PowerPoint and pie charts. I have a feeling the 'because I said so' explanation is not going to cut it with you.

So the therapist felt your big head and told us that since it wasn't yet shaped like a mushroom you're still only slightly flat-headed and there's still hope! She also said it was probably due to sleeping for a long stretch during the night (but we won't really consider changing that! Remember there is a car in your future if you keep up the good sleep habits!). We are also supposed to put you down to nap on your side whenever we are there to keep an eye on you. I told the therapist that as soon as I can figure out how to a) make you take naps and b)lie in your bassinet during the day I'll be sure to mess it all up by rolling you onto your side. 

So we get home and put you on your tummy (doing the exact same thing we've always done) and you lift your head up straightaway. You will still only tolerate it for short periods of time but it's a great step in the right direction! We have to bring you back in two weeks so they can measure your head on the scale of 'round to mushroom' to check that you're not getting flatter. We are going to try our best but as your doctor says "a flat head means she has a flat head. Don't let her shave her hair off when she's a teenager'

Love you,


  1. Do tell about the tummy time trick they taught you! I also have a tummy time hater...

  2. The therapist pretty much showed us all the tricks we already knew. Rolling up a blanket and putting it under her arms was the one that worked. We had been doing that but the blanket was a bit too large. Now we make sure her elbows are touching the ground and her legs are stretched out straight behind her and she lifts her head up for longer. We can still only get a minute or two before she freaks out but it's better than we were getting. Good luck!

  3. Keep on working, great job!
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