Friday, 15 April 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

  • You are now 13 pounds 6 ounces
  • We're still trying to figure out the nap thing. I can usually get you to take a short nap in the morning for a half hour or so but after that it's hit or miss. We'll keep working on it. 
  • You are on night three of going to sleep without being swaddled. Thank you for not putting up too much of a fuss! It only took four tries to get you down the first night (I'm actually fairly impressed). The next night too less and we'll see what tonight brings. 
  • Your bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier. I thought 7:00pm was early but the past couple of days you've wanted to go to sleep around 6:30pm. If I try and keep you up you get too contrary to deal with so I've been giving in. Unfortunately that also means morning starts at 5:00am. 
  • You are getting too big for your bassinet. It is rated up to 18 pounds but you are a ridiculously long baby and you keep squirming yourself up to the top. I'm not sure if we're going to put you in your own room or take your crib apart (again) and move it into our room.  
  • You laughed this week! A proper laugh that didn't sound like some kind of bird sound. I didn't think you could get any cuter but you keep proving me wrong.
  • 4 month needles next week. Not looking forward to it. AT ALL.
  • You've started noticing Bella (the dog) lately and you get a kick out of watching her be an ass. She has a habit of barking at a lot of things outside. You know, things like people walking down the road, snow falling, clouds, you get the point. If she keeps it up she might not be around by the time you are old enough to read this so enjoy it now. Just kidding. Mostly.
  • The physiotherapist has been worried that you didn't have full motion turning your head to the left because you wouldn't do it while we were in her office. Since we got home all you do is look to the left. All the time. Just goes to show that the physiotherapist toys are not up to your standards.
  • We've spent a lot of time with your cousin John this week. He's 22 months and loves to give you kisses. Whenever you cry he brings over your soother and says 'happy'. Smart kid.
  • I can't believe you're going to be four months old soon. Stop growing so fast!
For more leftovers check out here!

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