Friday 8 April 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

Dear Claire Bear,

  • You are teething. I am scared.
  • You are drooling rivers. I can't believe you get enough milk to manage to produce that much drool. Can babies get dehydrated from drooling?
  • We had your second physiotherapy session for your flat head. It went well and they're not concerned so (as I've said many times before) you can continue to sleep through the night without fear!
  • This week your dad found two separate noises that scare the crap out of you. One is a sucking/slurping noise that kind of freaks me out so I can totally relate. However the other 'scary noise' is a seal noise. That arr arr noise. You hate it. Your bottom lip immediately pouts down, your eyes well up with tears and then you scream. Loudly. I've forbidden your father from making it again. He thinks if he kept doing it you'd get used to it. I think you'd need eventual therapy and I don't have enough RRSPs saved up to pay  for that when you're 20. 
  • I'm not sure if it's coincidence or not but you seem frightened of my mom (Nan N). You've cried the last two times you've seen her.
  • You are a tall skinny baby. You've only gained 3 ounces this week and the nurses are 'concerned' so I'm taking fenugreek to see if I can increase my milk supply and I've been adding an extra feeding in the morning (oh 4am how I missed you) to see if that's it. I think you just take after us as we were both tall skinny babies until around 4 months when we got to be tall fat babies. 
  • You had a 20 minute long conversation with your rubber duckie this morning.
  • You are big enough to go in your jolly jumper and your excersaucer now. You love both for about 15 minute intervals. We have to put a stacksof books under your feet so you have something to push off of when you're in the excersaucer. 
  • Naps are losing. You are winning. A lot. 
  • It snowed today. It's April! Not fair. I can't wait for the weather to be good so I don't have to bundle you up to take you outside.
Want more leftovers? Check out here!

1 comment:

  1. I also have a tall, skinny baby who only gained 12 ounces in an entire month. Sadly the only person who is even the slightest bit concerned is me because the nurses don't even weigh the babies at this health unit, you do it yourself. What kind of monitoring is that???!!
